by Denise Davis | Book Recommendations, career, celebration, collaboration, community, deja vu, Divorce, education, enjoyment, enlightenment, experience, future life progression, future lives, future visions, future visualisation, guided imagery, Healing and Coaching, holistic, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, karmic imprint, Kids, Law of Attraction, learning, life purpose, meditation, mind & body connection, past life regression, past visions, past visualisation, people, pets, positive thinking, predictions, prophecy, psychic insights, quantum physics, relaxation, self development, soul purpose, spiritual development, spirituality, therapy, time, time travel, training, visualisation, work
Well what an awesome weekend I had in London training as a Future Life Practitioner for my continued professional development! I have always loved using hypnotherapy to empower my clients to improve their lives and have used Past Life Regression techniques to...
by Denise Davis | 2012, ascension, celebration, collaboration, community, compassion, enjoyment, experience, friendship, fun, gratitude, happiness, Healing and Coaching, holistic, Kids, Law of Attraction, love & kindness, mind & body connection, Mother Earth, nurturing, positive thinking, spirituality, the Shift, unity consciousness
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful seasonal break. Christmas and the New Year is a good time to reflect on our lives and how we impact on the world. We are told that there are only two emotions, Love and Fear. All the other emotions are subsets of the these...
by Denise Davis | celebration, collaboration, compassion, Divorce, enjoyment, Events, experience, friendship, fun, gratitude, happiness, Healing and Coaching, holistic, Kids, love & kindness, nurturing, spirituality, weddings
Life is a gift and I am trying to make the most of every opportunity to enjoy it. But Ive been feeling a bit up and down like a yo-yo as the date comes ever closer to my son emigrating to Oz with his partner on 24th September. This Saturday (27th August) was...