Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful seasonal break. Christmas and the New Year is a good time to reflect on our lives and how we impact on the world.
We are told that there are only two emotions, Love and Fear. All the other emotions are subsets of the these two. As we are coming into the age of Aquarious and beginning to move out of the materialist age into a more compassionate and nurturing era, this explains why so many people are feeling more dissatisfied with ‘stuff/things’ and are seeking something else.
This missing link is by living in the present with love and gratitude for all that we have. Many of us have realised the importance of our
relationships and for me this is the most valuable aspect of my life. It is the knowing that we are all connected – a collective consciousness and that we impact on each other. If we are sending out positive vibrations into the world through our love and gratitude this will be ‘felt’ by others in our presence (the Heart Math Institute states love is the stronger emotion and therefore will help others feel uplifted and is called entrainment). I am sure many of you have been in the company of others who are feeling down or angry and felt the difference to when they are in a good place.
As I said the most precious gift I can be given by friends and family is the gift of their love and time spent with me. The activity, if any, is
umimportant. I feel blessed and full of love when sharing time with those I deeply care for. In fact, I regularly send out love to all
sentient beings in our world and beyond as well as to Mother Earth herself (her atmosphere, biosphere, ionisphere and geosphere) because research by the Heart Math Institute shows that this has a positive effect and of course is far greater when more of us do this. So the more we are full of love and gratitude coupled with faith and trust that everything will be okay, then we are lifting the planet znd ourselves in a positive manner further towards ascension.
The law of attraction states that what we give out we receive back, so sending out love also means that love will be returned (it doesn’t always happen to be the person you gave the love to though). It also states that what you resist persists. In other words whatever we give focus on we tend to bring into our lives, so being full of love and gratitude will bring in more positive aspects to our lives and if we’re always complaining, stressed or negative we are more likely to get more of the same as that we are complaining about. Love of course, is a much more pleasant experience so when you are feeling stressed, fed up or another negative emotion, acknowledge it and allow it for a short time. But then think of something that makes you happy ie sing a favourite song or recall a happy occasion or look at a treasured photo. Do something to change the vibration that you are in and feel, sense, know that you have changed this vibration to a positive one.
Love is what makes the world go around – you only have to see when there are disasters how people will help each other in any way possible regardless of whether they know them or not. Why wait for a disaster to strike… make the most of each day by telling those you love how important they are to you… say nice things to others if you think them. If someone you don’t know is wearing a lovely skirt tell them so – it will make their day. Paying it forward is good, being kind costs nothing. So I dare you to do or say five lovely things today, one must be to yourself and another to a stranger…
Lets create a world that is full of love, wonder and awe!
Blessings and much love for 2012
Dee xxx
Calm Kids, Calm Minds